Human Resource Services
Long Term Disability Termination
Long term disability insurance ends automatically on the earliest of:
- The date the last period ends for which you made a premium contribution, if your insurance is Optional.
- The date the Group Policy terminates.
- The date your employment terminates.
- The date the last period ends for which your Employer made a required contribution on your behalf, if you are on a leave of absence without pay, on reduction in force status, or on reversion status.
- The date you become a full-time member of the armed forces of any country.
- The date you cease to be a Member. However, if you cease to be a Member because you are not meeting the minimum work requirement, your insurance will be continued during the following periods, unless it ends under 1 through 5 above.
- While your Employer is paying you at least the same Pre-disability Earnings paid to you immediately before you ceased to be a Member.
- During the Benefit Waiting Period and while LTD Benefits are payable.
- During the first 24 months of an agency approved sabbatical or educational leave of absence, if your status as a Member terminates because of the leave of absence, subject to the following:
- Your Employer must approve the leave of absence in writing.
- If your rate of pay during the leave is less than 50% of your Pre-disability Earnings in effect prior to the leave, you must pay the entire cost of your insurance. Insurance ends automatically on the date the last period ends for which you made a premium contribution. If you become Disabled during the leave, the Benefit Waiting Period will not begin until the scheduled date of return to work.
- If your rate of pay during the leave is 50% or more of your Pre-disability Earnings in effect prior to the leave, the Employer will pay the cost of your insurance under Plan A. If you become Disabled during the leave, the Benefit Waiting Period will begin on the date you become Disabled.
- Pre-disability Earnings means the Salary that was in effect immediately prior to the leave of absence.
- During a leave of absence if continuation of your insurance under the Group Policy is required by the state-mandated Family and Medical Leave Act or law.
- During the first 30 days of any other unpaid leave, provided you take the unpaid leave immediately following the end of your annual paid leave, subject to the following:
- If you become Disabled during the leave, the Benefit Waiting Period will not begin until the scheduled date of return to work.
- Pre-disability Earnings means the Salary that was in effect immediately prior to the leave of absence.
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